What we do

Compare Solar Quotations from vetted companies.

We help you find the most suitable solar system for your place. Our team is dedicated in finding the best solution considering your needs and budget. ChalaoSolar is a marketplace to find and compare best solutions for your needs. 


Our comparison work flow

Whether buy your Residential, Commercial or Industrial Solar System requirement.
We help you find the best solution within your budget. Save time and hassle, find with us.

Simple & Easy to Use

Give us your requirement and we will do all the work to find you the Solar company.

Shortlist Quotations

We will review and shortlist the best quotations most suitable for you and send you to choose.

Understanding your Need

We will guide and answer all your questions and concerns. Your satisfaction is our goal.

Best Energy Solutions

Our process is very strict on keeping best service providers so our customers can rely on us with closed eyes.

Partner With Us

Solar System Integrators sign-up with us.

Chalaosolar is an ever-growing solar panel marketplace where buyers meet sellers.
Join our rapid and diverse seller community to increase your sales and elevate your market share.